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    women’s health 結果共7筆

  • 全台最大以健康美為名的運動盛會「Fit Night Out美力運動派對」

    Women’s Health 美力圈於2022 年 5 月首度將 Fit Night Out 美力運動派對引入台灣,以女性健康為活動宗旨,邀請追求健康的女孩們用一天的時間體驗各類運動訓練,已累積近2千名女孩與 Women’s Health 從早到晚一起運動的精彩回憶!2024 年台灣最盛大美力運動派對再度於6月15日回歸,此次更力邀萊美Les Mills、SpaceCycle成為課程協力夥伴,集結12位陣容堅強的專業教練群,規劃六大運動課程,包括嬋柔、女力綻放、戰鬥有氧、拉丁有氧派對、肌力雕塑、流行舞蹈等主題,是一場今夏不可錯過的運動盛會!
    2024/05/21 11:00
  • Hsinchu expands fertility support with free AMH testing

    Discover how Hsinchu City is leading Taiwan in women’s health with a free AMH ovarian function testing event on May 18, aimed at supporting fertility planning and awareness.
    2024/05/13 14:29
  • Taiwan consider egg freezing subsidies amid birthrate crisis

    KMT legislator Chang Chia-chun advocates for government subsidies for egg freezing to combat Taiwan’s declining birthrate, emphasizing the need for women’s reproductive autonomy and equal rights. Despite a national crisis, only three cities offer such subsidies, and a central government report remains unevaluated after a year. Chang calls for swift action from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
    2024/05/10 15:56
  • Hou Yu-ih slams DPP over sexual harassment cases

    Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) over recent sexual harassment cases in the party. Hou highlights the lack of response from the DPP’s Department of Gender Equality to these incidents. He challenges Lai Ching-te, asking if he believes this is a virtue. Hou pledges to rigorously address sexual harassment and maintain high moral standards among officials. His zero-tolerance approach towards corruption and sex scandals sets the tone for his campaign. In the third round of the television policy presentation, Hou focuses on gender issues, proposing policies to increase women’s representation in governance, improve maternal and child health care, and alleviate family care pressure. These proposals demonstrate his commitment to gender equality and addressing women’s challenges in Taiwan.
    2023/12/26 18:48
  • President Tsai to lead official delegation to Eswatini

    President Tsai Ing-wen’s delegation visit to Eswatini strengthens diplomatic ties and collaboration in public health, medical care, and women’s empowerment. The visit marks important anniversaries in relations between the two nations.
    2023/08/25 17:28
  • 單車騎到自創品牌!修杰楷遭「大咖車友」羞辱:怎麼騎那麼爛

    修杰楷近日登上雜誌《Women’s Health》「戶外衝一波」單元,暢談入坑單車運動的契機,修杰楷透露:「原本第一台車是我哥送我的,他有兩台一模一樣的車,原本的那台車尺寸小一點,所以他就問我要不要跟他一起騎,就這樣被推入坑。」也分享與明星車友張孝全、王柏傑、楊祐寧私下的相處模式。
    2023/04/12 16:21
  • 比花椰菜多50倍抗癌物!這5大超級食物 抗老又防癌

    超級食物,顧名思義就是營養豐富,且能預防多種疾病的食物,《Women’s Health》就整理出5種能夠抗老、抗癌和恢復體力的超級食物,它們未經加工,屬於天然食品,且所含熱量較低。
    2019/02/13 16:18
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